helloo!!! this is my personal website. this is obviously a work in progress. Things are a bit empty atm, but i'll know what to put here eventually...

I started making this about June 2024. The version you're seeing is my 4th (and hopefully final) try at the core of it. This is the main project I am using to learn html, so other attempts ended up very broken. :P
I am so sorry if stuff is broken on your end. This site is pretty much desktop only, and made on Microsoft Edge. If you're on another browser and notice an issue, please lmk!

P.S. you should probably keep things fullscreen too. I'm trying my best to make stuff resizeable but... eughhhhh

- ethan :P

link me!
no ai webring previous next a green-on-black grid with illuminated parts that spell out NO AI / WEBRING and two animated green arrows pointing left and right, bobbing up and down